Page name: In Search of the Phylactery [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-01-13 17:37:36
Last author: Piplup
Owner: Piplup
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So our story beganes on the warm summer eve’s in the home of the famous Fodor Andras Vireo, the former green wyren. His home is a memorial, where the accincet tool the Phylactery, a small pure gold dragon, that has rumored that controls all dragon’s and their feared dragon’s fire, that said in accincet time, when dragons roamed in their full beast forms burnt the earth of all life, in hungry for power and greed. They were at the brink of killing them salves in atemp to stay alive. Till one day, a great storm broke out that swept the ashes up into the air, light crackling threw the sky, and a great voice called out in a tongue still unknown to this day, these words Tur’s meatho barktuu me helo dum lara. When the stormed had pasted the dragons saw the small golden Phylactery. It had taken their fire to which they used to destroy and turned it to a tool of truth and justices. From that day the four spets were formed. And with a new hope the Phylactery, was a tool of peace to which it was intend for. Still many secrets about it’d purpose is still unknown, for how old it truly is… And that’s why The demon lord, well really demoness Azazel, wanted the Phylactery. For the purpose of once again whipping out all life on earth, to create a new world for her and her hordes of Demons and legions. One evening as I was saying before getting all side tracked, Someone had broken into the formers Wyrens home, in Ireland, and stole the Phylactery, But with dragons so keen on keeping their treasure and gold safe have learned to use technonailgy, and caught a glimpse of the demon that had somehow broken threw the magic protection and lasers…ect. Now in England the Spets are coming together to regroup and discuses’ their plan of action. So they also enlisted the help of the guardian’s guild and few others.

Zandra sat next to a large black Newfie, who snoring could wake the dead. The old women in the front next to the cab drive was going over her rulers for bringing her to such a matter of concern to otherworld, and to keep her little dragon’s wine mix up to herself. The Newfie grumbled in his sleep, as Zandra ran her fingers threw her red hair not pay attione to her Master Missoula. Looking out the window towards the old building of London England. She was attending this meeting with her master for some dragon problems that will probably end up causing more trouble, as they usually have. More history of destroying…   

Lucian wondered through the mists of London the sword at his side hidden by his trench coat the wolf padding silently be his side "do you sense anything Weylin?" asked Lucian the wolf shook his head "no boy I dont but dont drop you gaurd all the same" the two continued through the fog

Elsewhere in London, deep in former Green Wyvern Fodor Andras Vireo's chateau specifically, paced the current Silver Wyvern. Erinara's heavy footsteps radiated across the ancient hardwood planks, jarring nearby objects as his tail threatened to beat down anything in his path. His attitude was anything but calm and collected as he mournfully reviewed the news of the lost Phalactery...and having seen the evidence for himself, it was a subject that troubled the eleven foot tall shimmering dragon hybrid to his core.

Another set of authoritative footsteps thundered down the hallway before joining Erinara's council amoungst various guardians of each other's septs; the Blue Wyvern Vweiss de Medici Jaeger had arrived. "What is this I hear about the Phylactery gone missing? Madness I tell you...surely Erin, you are mistaken, we must all be mistaken!"

Wyvern Valexmiador was not amused, and stood to bar Vweiss' penetrating path into the room, "Well have a look for yourself, oh doubtful one," Erin hissed, standing aside to allow Vweiss a view of a missing Phalactery.

"Impossible!" Vweiss sputtered, immediately going to a nearby computer security console. "...No one could have bypassed the system...perhaps, only by magic...and that I do believe was your area of expertise?!" Wyvern Jaeger retorted, highly indignant that the security measures were seemingly brushed aside.

"Do not impune my honor nor my abilities, Vweiss...I'm not the one puttering with buzzing trinkets," Erin cooly retorted. The pair went on bickering, and Vweiss seemed hardly phased by their contrast in height, eleven feet versus eight. Both men were in their hybrid forms, distinguishable not only by height but by colour, silver and metallic blue scales, black mane and sapphire mane, cultured handsome visage and a rapturously suave demeanor...Erin the former and Vweiss the latter, respectively. It would take another to interject another point of logic before they stopped arguing with one another.

Lucian and Weylin continued through the fog he had recieved reports of strange activities in the area but had so far had no luck in finding anything Lucian cast a glance down both roads at an intersection he and Weylin sniffed the air a few times and turning back to one another nodded having some silent exchange and headed to the left still hunting

The black car stopped in front of the green wyvern home where the two guardians got out. Zandra threw her sunglasses on her face. She walked next o her master and the black dog whined about being dragged half way around the world, as her master order him silence. Zandra just grinned at the dog. After ten minutes, they were led to a room where there were to meet with Wyvern to disuses where it was.

Raised voices were turing into growls, mild roars of indignation, and hisses of scorn. "Enough!" Wyvern Erinara barked, holding up his hand to silence his fellow Wyvern. "I'm sure you hear them too. Come now, my old friend, it will do us no good to point the dooming judgements upon each other; none of us would do anything to compromise the Phalactery's safety. Now, we cannot display discord, for it would be a sign of weakness."

"...I like to keep my options open, but I accept your word as true, Erin," Vweiss bitterly conceeded before falling silent, busying himself instead with studying the mass of sensors and power grids that kept the Phylactery safe. 

Doing much the same, Erinara reached out his mind and magic to the tampered mess that it was now. "They were either very experienced, very powerful, both, or emboldened by sheer dumb luck. OR, we've a traitor admist our ranks..." Erin shivered at the thought.

"Hey it sounds like a cat fight in there!" The large black dog said pawing at the door. Missoula was a women well in her 60's, she opened the door looking at the two. "Oh hoo, it's been awhile since a hybrid dragon..." She studing the two. Zandra fallowed behind her master, her red hair lose and flowing down her back. The black dog laid down on the matt still feeling the jet leg. Missoula nodded to the two.

"Thank you for coming on such short notice...but it is of a most urgent subject," Vweiss began, giving an inviting, if not strained smile. 

Erinara's heart lightened when he spied Zandra, a sigh of relief escaping his lips. She was his only island of sanity in the sea of chaos his realm was already sinking in. "...Our only regret is that it could've been for better news." The Silver Wyvern took a sigh, thousands of flecks of reflected silverly light shimmering as his chest rose and fell, "...The Golden Phylactery, has been stolen..."

Lucian and Weylin stopped somthing was on the breeze "do you smell that?" he asked Lucian stopped and inhaled slowly "gaurdians,two of them" he said and was about to move on when Weylin chimed in "and wyrvens as well two of them" Lucian turned back to the wolf "should we investigate?" he asked Weylin nodded "it would seem somthing to take notice of" he said and with that the two set off in search of where the four odd companions would be gathering

Zandra sat on the love seat, her eyes soft on Erinara, and grin on her face. Missoula shook her head. "We knew that for a bit now, only because the demon that has it, has been making threats. Hasn't someone told you?" The old women said setting slowly on a chair, an old gray owl flew in landing on her chair red eyes staring. "You see we weren't sure if you gave it away or if something had happened. But I guess the demons wanted to keep this from you...Oh deary..." she said with a sigh. Zandra just study Erinara, Missuola smacked her arm. "Will you atlest try to find where the demon broke in..." Missoula said.

"GAVE IT AWAY?!" Vweiss howled. Erin seemed of a similar reaction but contained behind eyes of swirling firestorms. 

"Ms. Missoula, if we are to work together in collaboration I would rather like to know anything reguarding something so gravely and monumentously serious!" Erinara replied firmly. He collected himself in a breath, glad more than ever that Zandra was there otherwise he'd have more words with the elderly master. "So while we're privy, do tell us what you already seem to know."

Lucian and Weylin drew closer to the gathering place the scents were growing stronger the two continued through the fog this was somthing unusual and as it made sense of his orders Lucian glanced around as he thought he saw somthing in the fog and his hand flew to the handle of his sword only to have the shadow dissapate into the fog

Zandra giggled at Vweiss. "Now now, no need to get all fussy about it... If anything, the preson sent to tell you this, is already dead..." She said in a bored tone. Missoula looked up at the two and nodded."Just that high rank demon has it and plans to use it...We think they plan to open all gates...even the door to hell it self..." Hinon barked up. The gray owl who'd, and the windows shudder from the wind. Zandra wanted Erinara to be near but knew she end up giving her master a heart attack.

Erinara clenched his fists and jowels, a deep vibration coursing through the room as the lights gave startling flickers; the Wyvern was not pleased. "Your selectively detatched nonchalant behavioral airs are disturbing; and I very well know what the consequences are if the Phylactery falls into the wrong hands!" The Silver Wyvern took to pacing again, his footsteps giving the floor trembles. "Vweiss and myself were informed of a situation only when power was temporarily disrupted to this room...including the backup cells and generators; that was a half hour ago. By our general gist of the area, the one who did those would have to enter and exit without physical means. At any rate, it doesn't matter how it was done until we've the Phylactery back...right now, we need to concentrate on who's been threatening to send earth reeling back into the time of scorched earth.

Zandra sighed. "Sit down you'll end up wrecking the hard wood..." She said staring down the sliver dragon. "demons don't always take a pyshical form. They might have just tooked it threw it's demon smoke... No magic or wrad can seal that smoke...and it's a pain to get off the carpt!" Missoula said. The owl who'd again. "That we don't know which demon it is, there are many people trying to find out...but getting angry and hot headed over it..." Zandra said calmly. "You'll end up getting even more upset..." She sighed.

Lucian and Weylin reached the home and Lucian waited across the street as Weylin sniffed around the door and turned nodding his head Lucian walked over and taking a hand from his pocket knocked loudly on the thick hard wood door "lets see who's inside" he said quietly to Weylin.

"I AM angry and hot headed because of the likes of you lacking the proper respect by keeping your cards close," Erinara shot off, gentle roils of smoke rising from his nostrils. He took another sigh, deeper and more prolonged as he set that matter aside; he would behave as he wanted to anyways, no one would change that. "...Now, with the Demon Smoke, that would explain why physical entry was not utilized, its the only theory Vweiss and I were hoping to confirm in part. NOW, it would seem the Septs need the help of the Guilds to find this demon or these demons...whichever the case may be." "Vweiss, why are we the only two Wyverns here?"

"I contacted you and the others immediately after the breach..." Vweiss replied in kind, keeping their thoughts separate from the others.

The Silver Wyvern poured himself a glass of fire mead and went to sit by Zandra, his tail tip twitching dangerously as he sipped the warming liquid.

"...There's someone at the front doors, by the way," Vweiss noted, checking the security sweeps.

Zandra looked at Erinara and sighed looking towards her master. Missoula had strange way of doing things, and this was one of them. Zandra knew not much was going to be done with them all in a huff, yes it was a pain to deal with. "Well temper temper, you want to relook your camras and fancy magic trick as to which demon it could've been..." Missoula said sitting in the chair. "If it were using it's demon smoke, there should be alest some black stain or markings, and that is how you'll find your thife..." she finshed. Zandra shook her head. "could've be a shap shifter...." She threw, her master gave her a look. "Zandra my dear, shape shifter are not that smart, nor could they ever find it, it WAS a demon..." Missoula sighed, the gray owl now on her shoulder. "Now, I know there are four spets... where are the other two?" Missoula stated.

The door to the house opened freely for Lucian, the halls were lite dimly, and voices could be herd from down the hall.

"On their way," Erinara replied at length, drinking more of his beverage as he relaxed himself into deep thought. "Well, Vweiss? Should we have had a smoke detector in this room?" he vaugely mused, asking if the other Wyvern had found incriminating evidence.

"...Well..." Vweiss began from across the room, taking an electric drill to unscrew an armored wall panel. With a dull crash, he set the plate on the floor and shook his head. The reason for his displeasure was that the exposed glowing conduits and circuits were flickering, smoking, sparking, and were covered in a dark stain. "In your experience, Ms. Missoula, could a Demon use the powergrid to get around? Because, I believe this one did...and...look here," he began, going to where the Phylactery would be perched in its sealed enclosure. "There is a stain on the carpet...could be wine..." he said, crouching with an electronic scanning device. "...Damn...nope, not wine. I suppose they left in corporeal form because that's the only way they could transport the Phylactery."

Erinara's ears and eyes gave a small perk, "Is there still a rift?"

"Nah, closed...but, I think I might be able to get the Demon's vibration frequency..." Vweiss replied, trotting over to a stainless steel briefcase containing powerful and complex forensic devices.

Zandra looked at Vweiss and sigh. "Well they can...But they also can't stay in their demonic smoke for to long or they just disaper, so tracking it's frequency may be a bit hard, as it would take on a whole new form..." She said looking at Erinara. Missoula nodded. "But it might work if it left as it new form..." Missoula said, patting the gray owl.

"They wouldn't have to stay in their demonic smoke for too long, electricty travels at the speed of light," Vweiss replied, setting up a scanning array around the stain on the carpet. "...And it would make sense for them to leave as a different form from whence they entered...perhaps as disguise or more logically, to transport the Phylactery."

"And...I would assume the magical wards failed because the power grid that fed them was tampered or destroyed?" Erinara queried.

Vweiss gave a frown and sighed, "...Yes," he replied grudgingly. " seems almost like an inside job."

"Or a highly talented theif...I'm sure that would narrow the search of Demons," Erinara pointed out.

Zandra looked at her master than back at the two dragons. "Riiight dragons can't summon demons, so it's must be one of your buissness partners...could be Lumeria..." Zandra ponder. Missoula nodded. "Well in case any demons come after the wyvern I know I can trust you to keep them, I'll head back and see which demons hold power in the mortal world, that tie them to the dragons." Missoula stood up the olw flew up. "what do you mean? YOUR LEAVING ME!" Zandra pouted sightly.

Erinara was surprised by Zandra's reaction, "Shh, you're still in excellent company," he crooned. Erinara stood along with Missoula, "Thank you for your assistance. Any resource you require shall be yours," he said graciously. "And please do not hesitiate to stream information to myself or the other Wyverns as caution and safety allows."

Zandra's heart jumped but still, she didn't feel right leting her old master go off. More or less she felt like a nurse, even if the women could make earth open, she was scared if something happens to her. Zandra looked at Missoula. "Now now child, you need to learn lession only you can teach your self..." Missoula walked over to the window and pulled out a bule orb, a sprile of mist in it. "Where'd you get that!?" she said poniting to the orb. Missoula didn't anwser, and cracked the orb. A protal to downtown London, and she walked threw with it closing behind the owl.

A triumphant, blaring howl came from the streets, that all too familiar howl of a Hell hound. Apollonaire, to be exact, Apollo for short. Shortly after that howl came, the door to the house burst open in an array of wooden spikes, splinters, metal hinges and demon; The demon being that of which was currently running from the hell hound right out front. "N-no! I won't let you!" He cried out, stumbling over pieces of the door that he had demolished.

"Oh?" A low cackle came from the four-legged beast--Four-legged for the moment--as he marched through the doorway, just barely fitting through what with his wings and long horns. He had to duck his head so that the tips of his horns did no further damage to the door frame, and had to tuck his wings further so that the spikes on the ends did not disturb any of the paint on the walls of the entry hallway. "You say you won't let me send you back? Who says you have a say? Besides, I never said I would personally do the banishing." Apollo sat himself down on the rug, his bulking form taking up the whole of the entrance. He wrapped his slender tail around his haunches and settled his paws, taking a deep breath and blinking his glowing, neon green eyes lazily. "Well, I've had my fun, now you have to go." A grin formed on his narrow muzzle, revealing razor sharp canines which were a startling contrast to his pitch black face fur--Not to say that his face fur was the only thing that was black. The rest of his body being pitch black, as well, but lit up in various places due to his exposed, neon green tendons glowing and lighting his fur up--. "Zandra, Kyle says hi... Again."

Zandra eye started to twicth. "Apollo...what are you doing!!!" She braked. Hinon had jumped behind the love seat, peaking out. "Jeez...your crzy for a hell hound you know!" Hinon said. "And what's with the big wings!?" Hinon shook his head. Zandra's eye were on the demon. "Great..."

Apollo let out a chuffing laugh, looking for all the world like an amused old dog. "Well, they were just granted to me by my old man. He told me I was the last of the litter to receive them, isn't that horrible? Says I was the last one because I was never around. Imagine that! It's not my fault I was given to a novice Guardian that needs me to save his butt all the time. Anyways, this little guy here, I found him mugging a lady for her purse. A little cliche, yes, but guess what he did before that?" He motioned with his large paw to the pants of the demon, which were unfastened and rimmed with liquid. "Also, I'm hungry. Got any goose in this pad?"

Zandra shook her head. "Now now Apollo...Your a sweet...uh hell dogie but you can't be running around in day light!...You want to be sent back to the underworld? Not to sure Klye will like that...and you can wait!...both you and food...and blah..." Zandra looked towards Erinara then stood up and walked over to the demon. 'what eles has this low life done?"

"I used an image distorter.. I'm not a novice, myself. I looked like a harmless, big German Shepard. And I resent that! I've been running around all night and all morning. I've exhausted, pissed and crapped my fuel out through that time span. Could somebody get me a bowl of water, at least?" He asked, getting up and padding his way over to the nearest window. "Or could somebody at least turn the faucet on and stuff the drain for me? I'm plenty tall enough to drink from the sink."

Zandra shook her head, getting up to walk over to the wear she found a snik and bowel. Filling it, she put it on the floor for him. "Alright you, where's your master?" She asked.

"Thank you, kindly." He enthusiastically trotted over to the bowl, weaving through the tables and around the people in the room, rather easy when you are much skinnier than one should be. "Kyle? He's in Russia with his teacher. Mmm. Snowy season means it's easier to put out fires should he cause any." Crouching down, Apollo lapped at the water, stopping every few moments to look around. "So, who're the stiffs?"

Lucian walked into the large house Weylin following behind him a short distance after a few seconds they reached the room where everyone was gathered and looked around his left hand lightly resting on his sword hilt "seems some one has left" he said looking around he finally turned to the silver dragon "what is this gathering about?"

"Erin, I've the resonance frequency!" Wyvern Vweiss called from the circular apex of the chamber where they were all gather rather closterphobically. 

"Oh good..." Erinara sighed, turning his attention back to the newcomers. "Welcome!" he boomed, "to the home of the late Fodor Andras Viero. The Wyvern looked down to Lucian for a moment as if he were weighing a choice of truth. "It started with Wyvern Jaeger and myself, joined later by Zandra and her master, Ms. Missoula. Better question is, where are your invitations?" he asked abroad to the newcomers. Erin cast a look to catch Zandra's eye, conveying a simple message of, "Know these people?"

"I don't need one. I was ordered here, and invited personally.. sort of. See, this little lady over here knows my charge, and my charge ordered me to help her. She told me to wander around until I found something. Now, I assume that that means I would report back to her when I found something, along with what I had found. Which is why that little lad over there with his pants undone is here, and why I am here. Alrighty, I'll pass the stick along now so the next person can share. Zandra, seriously, is there any goose in this place? I'm starved.." He murmured, rearing up and resting his paws atop of the kitchen counter, eying the inhabitants of the room slowly.

Zandra sighed deeply smiling over at the Wyvren. "I don't know, Apollo...I don't live here and I doubt this where we are staying, now I know your hungry and I promise you'll be feed." She said, Zandra walked over to Erin. "I know Apollo, he's a friends demon, the other...probliy fate..." She rested her hand on his arm.

"...Dogs..." Erinara thought to himself, though was comforted by Zandra's words. He shook his head, stuck between a moral dillema of telling those gathered of the state of the Phylactery or telling the members of his Sept. "No, there's no food to be had here; this is a sanctuary...or was," Erinara replied. "Whatever food you do desire can and will be procured for you...I know what a hungry belly can do." Wyvern Valexmiador looked back to Lucian again, curiosity showing in his patient face, "...Well?"

Zandra knew the look on his face and pinched his arm. "Play nice..." She said walking to the love seat sitting down Hinon, was sniffing around. Almost as if he was looking for something. The massive newfound dog not caring if he bumed anyone.

Lucian returned the look the silver dragon gave him evenly his eyes half lided and he patted the sword at his hip "I am a guardian that is all the invitation I need" Weylin took a step in front of him "boy be silent these are not enemies" he then turned to the silver dragon himself "we recieved reports of unusual activity in the area and have come to check it out and you must admit this is unusual" said the wolf standing between the two.

"Aye," Erinara agreed, looking around to the those gathered. "You all are most likely here because of a great theivery. The culptrit is a Demon, but we have his or her frequency from the smoke stains he or she left behind. As some of you may be aware, this is the place where the dragon's Phylactery is fact the exact room. I doubt I need to shed any more light on what was taken from us. We must find the Demon or Demons responsible and bring them to heel and retrieve the Phylactery...and given the grandeur of the feat, I've little doubt that this Demon will brag and ransom the Phylactery. So, are we here for food and interest? Or are there souls here willing to help the four Dragon Septs...and the rest of existence as we know it?" his voice boomed and carried easily through the chamber.

Vweiss sauntered up alongside Erinara with his stainless steel forensics briefcase containing the delicate instruments, section of carpet, and a few wall conduits. "We should make haste to inform our Septs...but only after the other Wyverns know."

"...Agreed. Who can I trust to their word in this room?" Erinara queried sternly, his voice saturating the air.

"Hm.. Food and interest, or existence... Can't we have two of the three?" Apollonaire let out a silent yawn before dropping his paws to the ground, circling around to check out the room at last, while every few moments using his long tail to pester the shaking demon in the center of the room. "Because, let's face it, you can't survive to save existence if you have no food or water to run on. I could just as easily eat him, but then that would be just disgusting. You ever tasted one of those nasty buggers? Eugh. They taste like a roadkill skunk that sprayed itself." Once satisfied with his surroundings, the hell hound took a seat next to the demon and stared at the previous speaker, Erinara.

Zandra shook her head at the hell hound. But she felt bad for him too, he was hungry but nothing could be done right at the momnet to help him. "Well now, that you have told every one...Where's the demon?... But I'm more concrened as to the demon is." She said slumping into the love seat. There was really no ponit as to waiting around, but if the other two wyvren didn't show up, were they apart of this?

The clack of high heel boots hitting the marbile flooring in hall could be herad. the room got cold, as the most devilish of all dragons was coming. Chu Ren, the red wyvren, a frice fighter and crul to all, she had no care for other spets, and some say she should've of been a Black. Her high and mighty way of thinking she was queen made others sick, but if you spoke out of trems with this women, it's your head, ahving killed off her whole famliy. She had no problem with killing a fellow dragon. Chu Ren was the way a super model was suppose to look like, Long prefect legs, with the right amout of cruve, her amber eyes burnt threw any man or dragon. Long sliky black hair that feel past her hips. She only wore red and black...Bursting threw the doors full of rage she looked at the two Wyvrens. "Which of you fools lost it!"

Lucian turned to the new arrival and he drew his sword a small way from the sheath "women that is a good way to get a blade to the throat bursting through a door like that" he turned to the others especially Vweiss "tell me do we have anything that may have the demons scent on it Weylin may be able to track it atleast see what way they went if they left in physical form" weylin nodded his head cautiosly glancing at the red dragon that had walked in "boy you must learn to speak better to those around you" the wolf then sat beside Lucian trying to get between him and the others

Zandra knew this wants going to end well, dragons were head strong and proud. Sighing she thought of hiding.

Chu Ren looked at Lucian. "Don't speak to me pest..." She said struting over to the other wyvren angre of not only a dragon, but a women dragon. "Hump, impposable, who you two thought afew charms and human tech coould keep the Phylactery safe, if anything it should've stayed with the red Dragons..." She growled.

"You have a big ego for a lizard that blows fire out of her ass." Apollo said plainly, straightening his posture and staring at the newcomer that was currently causing trouble. "It's not nice to insult others for actually doing something while you were busy getting your pussy pounded. You act as though you, not your breed particularly, are better than all the others. I'll tell you this much; There is always somebody more able, more badass, and more efficient than you." He let his short pointed ears perk forward, curious to her response. God, he already didn't like this woman. "You shouldn't let your ego go to your head."

Lucian snorted waiting to see if the dragoness would respond while Weylin broke out into barking laughter he thought it was funny that some one had finally spoke out against the dragon.

"Apollo, empty belly or not, that was a mite over the top," Erinara chided, but grinned around the cheeks just a little. The Silver Wyvern turned his gaze down onto Chu Ren, "We all gave you the opportunity to help keep the Phylactery safe. It seemed like a better option to align three Septs to protect it instead of one. Besides, it was agreed that the power should belong to the many...not the few," he said, implying he didn't trust Chu Ren with power. 

Vweiss looked around at Lucian and Weylin, "Only the area around the Phylactery's stand. I'm sure there could be some trace of scent the Demon left behind while in corporeal form...otherwise the soot on the wall conduits and the on the carpet. There is a scent, but unfortunately cannot devote my time to aid just yet...Septly matters first..."

Erin and Vweiss eyed Chu Ren, finishing Vweiss' statement in a simultaneous, "...Of course..."

Lucian and Weylin exchanged a quick look and Weylin padded of silently to try and get the scent while Lucian remained leaned on the wall his left hand still resting easily on his swords hilt as his cold eyes moved from one dragon to another.

The door flew open as what appeared to be a teenage boy stormed in face flush with anger, matching his slightly red highlighted sandy blonde hair. He stormed up to the pedastol, examined it thoruoghly then spun to the nearest living being, wich happene to be Erinara. "What in the name of dragons fire happened? Who was supposed to be gaurding it?" Holt Vireo didnt seem to be in his usual joking mood.

Weylin looked at the boy "calm yourself causing a racuas wont solve anything" said the wolf as Lucian came walking over to the pedastol standing slightly behind and to the side of the boy

Chu Ren growled at that Erinara. "And yet your team efforit failed you... A healer and techno geek, and a pathic green... a wasit of time..." She roared, fire setting off in the fire place, from her anger. "Hump I no longer in to be here..." She said looking at Holt with a very unpleanst look of hate writen on her face. "If you aske me, the idea of one spet seems better very century...Sad to think the blacks were miss understood..." She said with a frice tongue. Chu Ren turned on her heels, knocking Holt out of her way, she left the room, the door slamming on it own as she left.

Zandra didn't understand how these dragons could keep peace. Zandra looked up at Erinara and sighed, walking over to the window lookin out. "Can't you get one of your other dragons or something to inform your steps. I mesn really, what is the ponit, the thing that seems to keep law with you lizards is gone...The last thing you should worry about is gathering all dragons in one area, If I'm wrong shoot me...but all dragons have a dragon fire, would it really be wise to have sooo many dragons in one place to tell them the thing that controlls there most powerful weapon is gone? and that being so...what if this demon wants you all in the same place?...Cause if I had that kind of power in my hands...I'd want every dragon somewhere near." She stated. Hinon looked up at her. "Holly crap what if it's the demon lord pulling the strings!... cause well you know...He's kinda of pissed about being sealed to hell and all that..." The large back dog spoke up.

"Zandra... You're paranoid. Hinon, don't encourage her. I'd better get in contact with Kyle and his trainer. And, hun, you might want to banish that ugly mongrel and gain some credit before one of the goony troop wyvern takes it upon himself to do it." Apollo stretched out liquidly, flicking his tail about a few times when his rump was raised into the air. He even stretched his wings out in such a small proximity, simply to agitate a few people in his own distress. "I'll be out front when this gathering of the wyvern is finished and over with." Shaking his scruff and letting out a yawn, the large hellhound turned around and headed back out of the room, a bit reluctantly so. Every instinct in his body told him to attack the demon and shred him, but, frankly, that was for Zandra to do.. Well, banish him anyways.

"That point does stand. All these clans being gethered is ludicris! We need an elite team of the very best of each searching for the tool. I cant believe this happened in my own back yard. By wyvern when i get my claws on that watchman he is toast! And that Ren! i want to tear her limb from limb! She's th whole reason the dragons still fight anyhow!....." Holt paced back and forth ranting to no one in particular, his skin scaleing over and his eyes slitting in the process.

Weylin padded back over to Lucian who had went back to leaning against the wall hand still resting on blade he looked down when Weylin walked back to him and again there seemed to be a silent exchange before Weylin sat down beside where Lucian was standing both watching as the dragons and gaurdian had at one another.

"The notion of summoning the Septs is a bad idea yes, therefore it wasn't an option to do so," Erinara corrected. He nodded to the Blue Wyvern, "I'm sure Vweiss' ingenius mind has come up with a few ways of direct electronic media least between the Silvers, Blues, and Greens. And yes, you're more than partially correct in your statement about Chu Ren, Holt. I think perhaps we could take this crisis to help align the Septs along friendlier bounds. As for the search team, would you like to head the opperation, Holt? Aferall it is your suggestion."

Zandra sighed. "Why Erinara are you scared to get your hands drity?" She said in for a teasing manner just to bug him. "Why not the three of you go hunt down the Phylactery? Your wyvren's right? You are top..." She said walking over to where the Phylactery should've of been. Leaning down to one of the black stains, rubbing her finger in it. Zandra looked at Hinon, who sighed. "Do I have to?" He whined. "Yes...Why do you even bother asking that!" She snapped. Hinon blew a little demon smoke next to the stain. The color were diffrent in away. "...grrreat...." She mumbled.

The Wyverns seemed amused by the notion of complete collaboration. "It'd be a mess trying to get various Sept members to cooperate," Vweiss noted regretfully.

"Aye, it'd be better to form three separate groups...collaboration towards our common goal would be easier without squabbling comrades. Us dragons are very proud, and sometimes arrogant creatures," Erinara added. "Additionally, I do believe we will need to recruit Guardians in order for the investigation to be a success...we dragons afterall don't deal with demons and portals."

Vweiss trotted alongside Zandra and Hinon, "...Mmm...that wasn't a good tone of voice I just heard. Care to explain?" he asked, cocking his head just a bit, his mane of sapphire hair shifting fluidly.

Zandra looked next to her to find Vweiss next to her. Noting his blue mane, blue was one of her favorite colors. "Well I think keeping you togather is a better Idea!..." she stated looking back at the colors of demon smoke. "Anyways, it might be good for you all...Kinda like a Dr.Phil show...Maybe help your guys ego's abit..." She stood up brushing her knees off. "You see the colors diffrent in Hinon smoke and thife smoke?...Well there are diffrent ranks of demons, the demon smoke is a way of telling, like dragon spets... You how Hinon is gray and mucky? And how the other has a sliver tint to it? Hinon is only a lack, a servent...This demon is high ranked as an officer...making it easier to figure out who it was...but it's far from a good thing...You guys are the very lest"

"On the contrary, my love," Erinara crooned, striding around to her free side, "...everything about the theft is perfect...too perfect. Yes, a demon is the only being able to do this sort of thing, but only after having the knowledge of every measure in place to prevent a theft. Also, if he or she was intellegent at least in any bit, they should've realized that their smoke would've been like fresh DNA and fingerprints all over the scene. They did it, yes...but with help; which is what troubles me the the most."

Zandra felt her cheeks burn. "...Intellegent no...Tricky yes...Also, I wouldn't be suprised to find out that someone is in with IT...Demons don't have genders...Hell if Hinon wanted he could be a girl!" Zandra smiled up at Erinara. "Hey! we do so have Genders...ok no we don't but still we chose if we want to be gay or not?...wait thats not right either...ZANDRA! STOP MESSING WITH MY HEAD!" Hinon said putting his big black fluffy paws over his head. "You think one of your dragons sold their soul for something?"

A wry smile pulled at Erinara's silvery lips with Hinon's wig out moment. The expression quickly faded when the conversation turned back to the topic at hand, "...Yes, and only a handful. It was designed so that those who worked to protect the Phylactery only worked on bits, and they wouldn't have the entire picture. That was done so that they couldn't reveal how to disarm all the safety measures. Only Holt, Vweiss, and myself know the whole system..." Erin's voice was very somber and distant, his emotional reaction catching up a second later with a tightening of the gut. 

A similar sensation seemed to be afflicting Vweiss as they reached all sorts of horrible answers, "...We may have a slightly larger tragedy..." Vweiss concluded, thinking of the three handpicked Blues that assisted him.

"We need to contact"

"Already on it..." Vweiss said, pulling out an ergonomic handheld PC.

Zandra looked at the two. "Um...I can't read minds, so use your words..." She said looking around the room. She had an odd feeling that she knew who did it, but wasn't sure. It wasn't like she fell threw a portal and end up in hell for a few hours. No that did happen hence her being tanited. Then it clicked. "Holly crap...Shape shifter...what another word for it?" She said to herself. Hinon sighed. "Do you mean doppelganger?"

"Workable possibility..." Erin noted, then took a breath to tell her what his racing thoughts were. "...To ensure the safety of the Phylactery, diversification was the most logical approach. Nine Dragons, three from each of our Septs, were hand selected to assist us in updating and securing the Phylactery. Each of the nine only knows the piece they implemented...therefore, for the entire system to come down, their collective knowledge would have to be...gathered," the Silver Wyvern replied, hanging his head as he waited for Vweiss' reply to the matter.

Zandra looked at Erinara, she felt sorry for him she understood the meaning of A Phylactery, heck it's how the two met. "Erinara..." Zandra lifted his head with her hand. "Don't hang your head, your a Wyvren..." She said with a little sasse. "Hey it's not like it could be the forgotten black dragons right...? I mean jeez...could've been miss bitchy too..." Zandra said refuring to Chu Ren. "Or an Imp king!" Hinon braked, for joy, loving to eat Imps.

Erinara looked to Vweiss for an answer to their worries. The return expression wasn't bearing good news. "...Their homes are off the grid, friends and relatives have said they've been missing for two days at the most...and their bio-GPS relays aren't reading...vitals. Godamnit!"

"I mourn for the losses of my kin and theirs, that is why I hung my head," Erinara replied, holding his head up with collected dignity as the news slowly poisioned him. "Aye...there are many possibilites. The most we can do now is track that demon. We will have to launch an investigation into the dissapearances of the nine...we may find more conclusive clues there," he stated to the other two Wyverns present as well as Zandra and Hinon.

Zandra sighed sitting back down in the chair. "So what is it you want to do...?" She asked flatly no sense of emotion in her voice. Hinon titled her head. "You want to go to nine houses find out that someone broke in and kiddnapped them?..." Hinon said looking at the wyvern who stood in the room.

"Essentially...but orchestrated eloquently, of course," Erinara replied, briefly checking the safety on his .75. "And, I was hoping you two or Ms. Missoula combined would have enough connections within the Guild to ally our forces towards our common goal; tracking the demon and retrieving the Phylactery." He cocked the weapon's slider and lined up the iron sights on a statue in the far corner, "...In the mean time...there is nothing else here. We've to organize now while the trail is still fresh."

Zandra sighed. "Told you before the Guild is already on your side, It's case file now, and if it's threat to the otherworld, then it's on the top of the pile...Next?" She said in a bored tone. "If were leaving can we do it now?" She said getting up. "Jeez who let the cat out of the bag!" Hinon said. "Annnyways, Why not hit one house, I mean there all dead anyways, and by the same preson since the phylactery is already gone!" Hinon said walking towards the door. He was a demon and bit heartless.

"Because," Erinara barked, irritated by both Hinon and Zandra, "nine homes gives us nine chances that incriminating evidence was left behind. Shall we try the angle of who and for whom this Demon is working for? Or for whatever its worth, who it has worked with in the past?" Erinara pointed out, holstering his weapon and moved away from the Phylactery's pedastal. "We follow the hot trail and hunt a Demon, tonight. Forensic teams can work the cases of the nine."

Zandra did look at Erinara. Hinon shruged. "Fine! cool your jets...Led the way..." Hinon said ploping his butt down, insted he looked over at Zandra, and shook his head. "And thats why I choice to be a guy...women need to much attenion..." Zandra shot off a glare at Hinon. "no insted you chose an animal that dose..." She started for the door. Zandra knew very damn well once a demon competeled at task it was sent back to hell.

Lucian looked from one to the other "if your going out to hunt demons count me and Weylin in there hasnt been one yet that could stand to us" he said stepping up from where he had been standing leaning on the wall.

A fierce grin broke out across Erinara's maw, "Excellent, exactly the spirit we need right now. Did you aquire a scent from the scene?" he asked, momentarily turning his attention to Weylin and Lucian.

Vweiss trotted up to Holt, "Well, what's your mind made up, mate?"

Weylin nodded his head "yes though it was very faint it might be very hard to track" said the wolf standing up and stretching

Aleric walked through the streets and finally found the house the meeting was at. "Too bad I wasn't invited. I really wanted to hear what they had to say." He said to himself as he took an old book out of his brown over coat and sat across from the house to wait for someone to come out. He had heard the rumors of the missing phylactery and he wanted to see if he could be of assistance.

"You look suspicious. Are you waiting for somebody?" Apollo tilted his head to the side curiously, perking his ears forward and blinking his eyes slowly. "Or are you just an eavesdropper?" The imaged German Shepard stood up and trotted over to the newcomer sitting across from the house, tail wagging slightly and posture alert. It wouldn't be good if he were to let this person hear about Zandra's and the wyverns' business.

He closed his book and tucked it safely inside his overcoat. "Well my ears aren't good enough to eavesdrop through a building across the street although I was waiting for someone to leave the house. My name is Aleric and I have heard about the missing phylactery. Although I wasn't invited to this little gathering I find myself feeling the need to help search for it, if help is needed. Otherwise I can search on my own." Aleric said to Apollo in a formal manner.

"You can never be too sure now a days, what with all the demons out in the streets. My name is Apollonaire, but you can call me Apollo." Bowing his head, the German Shepard scurried up the few steps and took a seat beside the boy, body easing somewhat. "There are currently others stepping up to join the search party, and I'm sure more are needed. Once my charge gets here he'll be helping, as well."

"I see. So what types of people are helping obviously all of the wyverns but what are the others like? We'll need some good people if we're to find whoever stole the phylactery." Aleric said with his tone was more friendly. He started to relax a bit as he watched the door.

"Actually, the only two I paid any mind to was Chu Ren and Zandra. Sorry. Other than the Wyvern, though, there are two Guardians and their partners. And, what are you, exactly, might I ask?" The canine laid down gently, yawning into the air in exhaustion and resting his muzzle in his paws.

Holt twitched from being ubrubtly ripped from thought. "I saw we pull a recon in the demon world, but we will need a gaurdian." He pondered respondin to Vweiss.

"Two guardians aye; well, I am but a traveler. I travel to make sure that the world is in balance and this seemed like a good a thing as any to help with," He said with a smile, "I'm also a collector of old books but a traveler of the better cause comes first." He adds on at the end. He looked up at the sky remembering many of the places he's been and things he's done so far.

"We need a small squad of no more than four. Your knowledge will help. My quick tongue and wits will be the mind, now we need muscle and another." Holt paced and wound up walking right out of the building in mid sentence. He never really paid attention to what hje was doing when he was thinking.

"A book collector, aye? Charming. Tell me, do you happen to have William Shakespeare's original Poem book? I've been looking for it for quite some time now." He muttered, discouraged. His head snapped up when he smelled, and heard, someone walk out of the building across the street, ears stiffly stuck forward and neck hair bristled. "One of the goonies came out of the house, Aleric."

Vweiss and Erinara exchanged identical expressions. "Well..." Erinara sidled towards Zandra, loading and cocking his second handgun "...for the record I'm leaving this room because it is no longer prudent for us to remain, not because of Wyvern Holt's half cooked demon world recon plan that he failed to add the baking soda to." The Silver Wyvern paused and turned to look at Vweiss.

The Blue Wyvern looked up from his wildly futuristic handheld, "Forensic teams are deployed...civil forces are marshalling. Everything is being taken care of," he replied to Erin's silent question.

Seemingly satisfied, Erinara gave a nod and turned to Zandra, his whole demeanor loosening as his scales took on a warm aura of light. "...I'm sorry this is how we must reunite...its been too long, I've missed you."

Zandra looked up at Erinara, and she knew he was going threw alot but still, A little moreloving would be nice! was it custom to show little emotion around other spets? She was still so new to this graudian/Dragon mate thing, and thought of breaking it to her parnets freaked her out! Zandra looked up at her wyvren still abit upset at him for not hearing that sooner. "I missed you too yo, but I was wondering id the Phylactery wasn't missing what would've happened?" She said meaning would he come looking for her or jus waot and hope. these thoughts keeping her awake at night. Hinon was already out side walking next to Holt.

Erinara nodded solemnly, throwing a look at Vweiss that clearly stated, "If you're uncomfortable, get out," and crouched to a kneel before Zandra. He ran a hand through her hair, resting the other at the small of her back. Erin's knees were cocked outwards, and he gently pulled Zandra close for a kiss. "...I respected your master's wishes to have you away for some time. I spent many a sleepless night already. If you had not returned upon this night, I would have sought you out with nothing but love, and the wind to guide me."

Zandra truened her head away, trying to hide the smile that was to break her face. "I swaer you had to much time to think those words over dear dragon...But I was hopeing you would make it so that we were mates to her cause I sure as hell can't!" Zandra said crossing her arms getting all flustered about it, she didn't know how to break it to her master let alone her famliy which she lied about to Erinara about. She wasn't with her Master but her famliy. "My master knows nothing of you or me...No one dose..." she said pouting alittle, embrassed that she couldn't fit in, but getting knocked into hell and being forced to leave the Guild for so long...well it wasn't number one on her list.

"Oh? Well I'll have to sweep you off your feet for a passionate kiss the next time I see dear Ms. Missoula," Erinara replied, a trill of humor making his voice bounce. "Vweiss put it together pretty quickly...I had to mark a boundary..." he paused, looking across the room to the other Wyvern, "...How's your tail feel?"

"...Wonderful," Vweiss muttered back, face lit with the light of a new scanning gadget.

Erinara gave a brief grin, and looked back to Zandra, love tempering his serious visage, "Come're..." he said, wrapping his huge arms about her frame and pulled her close to him. "...Missed you, Baby," he crooned, closing his eyes and resting his head beside Zandra's. "...You're sure you want everyone to know you're mine? I'll have to become very territorial for a little while..."

Zandra giggeled lightly at him, her arm around him, she had figured out how to do that much looking up at him. She looked over at the Blue wyvren intrested none the less with him, he seemed intresting to her like when she met her Erinara buuut still. Zandra found her self at the Whimp of dragons call if so be it. "You better or..I'll have to deal with grandma all by myself!" She said eye glowing with passion of a long lite flame. "I'm a women Erinara, I wan't to be fought over, even if that means you being territorial!...Your how old and haven't figuered out the mind of women yet? My I do have alote to teach you!" She said giving hin a pick on the nose, before walking over to the blue Wyvren, wanting to know how he was goingto track this demon.

A chill settled over Erin as she left his company; he liked the fire they had together. "Well its not like I've had loads of experience...I've been patient, unlike our German techno mind of Italian descent. You know one of his great nephews was a Pope?!" Erinara said, standing and followed Zandra to Vweiss. "What have you got?"

"Well..." Vweiss began, thumbs blurring to bring up a touch sensor hologram. "...I've been working on analyzing the the portals between realms, and how creatures, such as demons, travel between them and in them. Given extensive reasearch and algorithms...I may be able to track the bugger. Oh, and 'it' has a resonance frequency of a Pratt and Whittney aircraft engine...figuratively. Its rare, but I've recorded frequencies like it before around tragedies with suspected demon invovlement. Tragedies being assasinations, wars...blad di blah. At any rate...if I can get enough electronic ears listening for this frequency; we nail the bastard if its in this realm."

Zandra sat right next to Vweiss. "You might want to sell tha to the Guild hun, but once they enter Hell or The Court of Divien Blood for tracker id wroth shit. Pradon my french, but those two are not relems. Earth the place we live is a relem, Heaven and Hell are not, anf nothingh since says can every track them, why those of sceince do not believe...I hopw you know once a demon completes it's task it is sent back to hell...thats my only problem with this" She said simling up at Vweiss. "A pope huh? hehe?" She said a bit more intrested in Vweiss famliy. Zandra looked at Erinara, an eyebrow raised, why was he all of sudden so jelouse in away, she wanted to more about demons, and yes she want a reaction to his word territorial, and if Vweiss would would get the clue.

Vweiss shyed away from Erinara's steely gaze, "Yes, Giovanni de Medici...ordained as Pope Leo X. Not the brightest bloke and ended up inflaming a lot of the religious reformation. And I wasn't referring to Heaven or Hell when I said realms...different topic of study. So...we follow the demon's trail up until the point where it completed its task. I'm sure that's the point where we also find out who it gave the Phylactery to, no?"

Erinara rolled his shoulders, "Vweiss, Zandra just said that techonology won't lend us much of a chance for tracking."

"Ah, on the contrary, I've kept the best toys for myself. Everything leaves behind something in the universe. A person's own energy alters the space around them...we do live in a world half of matter and half of energy anyways; should be an easy matter to tract a particular disturbance."

Zandra rasied an eyebrow at Vweiss. "As ture as that is dear blue, demons are not beings let alone souls, they are hate and such, and I promise you this, woulfd the preson who stole the Phylactery to stay inone place?" Zandra said runnig her hand over Erinara's arm, to make sure he knew that she was his, and not to get all mahco, even though she'd like it, this wasn't the yim, but still... "very intresting...Dragons are so werid in their own way, It's not be a rude but, just they show up in history sooooo much if you know where to look..." Zandra said to Vweiss her eyes sprakling with intrest, History was her favorite thing to study, and she learned alot from Erinara when they spent the summer togather.

"Embodiment of emotion is still energy," Vweiss pointed out happily. "Oh come on, its not as hard as you think. Besides, if we do find the spot where the swap took place, we'd be that much closer and have a lot more evidence to go over. And yes we do. My father, Cosimo...wasn't human atall. He faked his natural death to avoid an inquisition, and I was to be raised in the Princepalities of the Holy Roman Empire...which became Germany, and that's how I've my mixed culture. I'm also related to Pope Clement VII and Pope Leo XI...and filthy rich from the Medici banking system of the time...not to mention my own monopoly over all things technological in current times."

Erinara wrapped his hand slowly around Vweiss' maw and clamped it shut, "Fascinating, but hardly having to do with the state of the Phylactery. So, are you going to try to find the trail before it discharges?"

Zandra's eyebrows raised at Vweiss's words pulling Erinara's hand away from his mouth keeping a frime hold on his arm. "my god you Wyvren are blessed with good fortune!" She said leaning into Vweiss with such intrest of his family history and such not paying much mind to Erinara, just holding on to him. "Do you take part in the Romen Chruch or have you found it a bore beacuse I toladly understand seeing as the kept the way of the garudian but still blanced it with the way of god, and have you've been hunting demon for long?" Zandra seemed to have been entraced by Vweiss because of his Roman side and how it played a great deal in her life, she didn't mean for Erinara to get mad but Vweiss a had an hidden Ace.

"I've been interested in finding ways of tracking demons as long as I've had relations with the Guild. And as far as a religious standpoint, I attend mass for important holidays and events...but for the most part...I was alive long enough to see plenty of corruption in the church before things started cleaning up." Vweiss himself was curious by her sudden intrigue, "...Is there something of my history that could be of help?"

Zandra lent right into him. "Well no, but the Roman chruch is where the Guild begand and between me and you, Erinara history of famliy and such hasn't tied with any of my garudianship and it alawys made me wonder if there could be a blacne, which I know there couldbe but, learning sooooo much from you, show that maybe there's somehinf that turely hi des in your breed of dragon'd blood, seeing as some famous garudians were Popes!" Zandra said still holding Erinara's like an exctined school girl as if she was metting her favorite pop star. "You said you knew those of guild?" She said with a slight lustful tone.

Lucian watched the two in bemusement before looking down at Weylin who gave him a knowing nod and scratched himself behind the ear Lucian shook his head "not to interupt where this is going but if we are going to try and find that demon dont we need to get started?" asked Lucian lightly streching some

Recognizing Zandra's interest as one of knowledge, Erinara wasn't disheveled by her insistance. "Vweiss can tell you all you need or want to know about his history and his connections on the way of tracking the demon's trail. Wherever the demon stopped, his employers will have left a small bit of themselves behind," Erinara said, hoping to redirect them as Lucian had pointed out. 

"I shall tell you along the way then," Vweiss replied to Zandra, focusing for an intense moment to change his form to his human form, Erinara likewise. Their suits were self tailoring. 

Erinara kissed Zandra's cheek and took her hand, "Lets get down to business."

Zandra looked at the two dragons than Lucian. "Alright!...But Still; It's nice to know that they were dragons that were apart of guild in away, I mean Erinara is doctor, nothing wrong with it, buuut..." She said in a teasing tone,walking hand in hand with Erinara out the building with the three. Zandra saw Holt and a new comer.

Holt had calmed quite a bit from his original outburst. He was now strolling around in thought working out every possible detail of a recovery. "What are we planning to do? Its not a common problem, we are talking about the possible end of the world here."

Zandra looked at Holt and sighed. "Were going to do some demon hunting and see where the demon went, and hopefully find some clue as to who the demon is workin' for." She said holding on to Erinara's arm.

"Now thats a plan. I guess wolf boy is our lead tracker?" Holt smirked now that there was a plan of action. He hadnt been on an actual mission since the war, only peace keepings and diplomatic trips. Being a wyvern sucks in retrospect, the title didnt even attract a mate......i think i just dissed myself.

Lucian and Weylin looked at each other with a brow raised almost as if silently asking each other "wolf boy?" before dropping the matter "so we need to track this demon to where ever he went correct?" asked Lucian taking a deep breath as Weylin began sniffing the air

Zandra raised an eyebrow. "I thought that tracking thing the blue had was doing the tracking..." She said looking around. "We need a plan..." She saighed, leaning back a little as if bored.

"...I beg your pardon?" Vweiss interjected, having just heard himself referred to as 'the Blue'. 

"The plan stems from how the demon traveled," Erinara began, patting his coat pocket to check for sunglasses. "If It simply teleported, which is likely because of the exit route, It could be anywhere. Why walk when you coudl will yourself to your drop off? Then again, anyone have an insight into Demon phsycology? What would compell a demon to do something in a short period of time only to go back to Hell?"

Zandra giggled. "my bad, just a habit" She said to Vweiss, smiling sweetly asking for forgiveness. "Well yes demons do jump thrw portals." Zandra said walking to the bottom of the staris. Hinon walked up to them. "Not that we want too, we have too, when summoned were bound by a onth of black magic...Thats why we do the tasks...Sometimes its just random, or there's always hidden andglenaa's. Also most demons walk the earth already" Hinon said scrathing his ear.

"Then, we've to locate the portals...but I'm sure someone is going to tell me it's not that easy..." Erinara said.

"Well, yes and no. One...Zandra, tell us more about portals. And two, I've the resonance frequency. We find the portal's exit with the frequency, and we've the secondary crime scene," Vweiss piped in.

Zandra pouted. "You can't track portals, only Portal Companies can do that, and were talking about demons portals, they only go to one place, and thats there masters relem, I'm not talking about here, but hell, there are seven princes of hell, and the demon, you can guess what I mean, the demon would have to go threw a portal company, or to get one..." Zandra turned to look at Vweiss, intrest returning her eyes. "Hmmm..."

Erinara cocked eyebrow, slightly amused, "...Portal Companies?" He shook his head, holding his tongue. The Guild had been around for how long and could do what about demons? "Well we've our ideas, but we've not heard any from you, m'love," he pointed out.

"Yes companies..." Zandra said, looking up at him. "Well, we summon our own demon as one of you said before but not to go to hell and spy, because they'll never agree to that, but they all know one other, so we could just ask, about the demons smoke, once we find out that demons name we can summon him and go from there, dear." She said smiling. "But we need to get some white chock, and rosemerry candles...Hmmm" she said thinking, of which demon to call. Hinon sighed. "Jeez why do you always keep these things to yourself?" Hinon asked, "I like to see what other know...and Mr.Vweiss has some neat toys..." Zandra said grinning.

"...Demons..." Erinara cursed under his breath, not caring if anyone would hear.

Vweiss cast a look over to Erin, feeling sympathetic but more level headed. "Well why are we just standing here, eh? Divy up into vehicles and we'll get your chalk and candles," he said, nodding to Erinara's Bentley Continental Flying Spur Speed and his own Rolls Royce.

Zandra looked at Erinara a bit hurt in away, and sighed. "Right, theres a backally store that sells the stuff, on 5th in south" She said looking down at Hinon, who barked at Erinara. "Hey! Your no angel yourself!" He said sitting on the ground.

Holt tapped his chin thoughtfully. "If it used the candle and chalk method wouldnt there be prints around the atrea in chalk? Why not use the new tech system the gaur....ahem, what else is nesesary for a portal besides the those? where would a demon get their hands on portal magic around here?" He really wamted to get the treasure back just to prevent a panic outbreak among the magical comunity.

Zandra shook her head. "Demons have the magic themselve to return to hell by portal, and you'd have to go through Diamond Portals...Largest company, anyways, no, I meant We summon the demon...This demon wasn't summoned here...It was to thought out.." She said looking at Holt.

"Good, we're getting somewhere," Erin said, ignoring Hinon's spiteful retort. "There's room for six in the vehicles, that leaves a space for one more. Shall we? We can talk logistics of demon handling on the way to this shoppe."

Zandra stood there, she waited to fallow. Hinon snift the air. "Can we just go?" She asked, sound impactiant, frowning shlightly. Crossing her arms, walked next to Hinon, waiting for the greman sheprad and his new friend to come along.

Hating being at odds with Zandra, Erinara bowed his head. He caught up to her quickly and set an arm around her shoulders, "I apologise for my brash frustration...I'm just used to being able to know how to go about completing something; demons are a mostly unexplored territory for me. And I apologise to you Hinon, you're my favorite demon," he crooned, pulling out his keys to his high luxury sedan.

"Holt, you're with me. Lucian, Weylin, come fill my seats," Vweiss said, strutting towards his Rolls. "Erin!" he called out to get the other Wyvern's attention, "keep an open comlink, we'll talk that way."

Zandra looked up at her Wyvren. "...I understand..." She said not looking him in the eye. It was just how frustrating this was turnin gout to be, and her master wanted to give her, the final test of her training, and her borther was having another baby, now she was scared that Erinara wouldn't care about her if he found out that demons blood ran threw, cause of an little actident. She wonder when Klye will met up with them she missed her geardian buddy. Hinon looked at Erinara. "What you said really hurt man!" He said in a puppy dog whimper, really, he wanted stake."Apollo, come on, and bring your new friend too..."

"...Hinon, you'll get some steak...but don't call me man, and don't whine," Erin said, bristling again as he took his arm off Zandra when they got to the Tempest Silver Bentley and unlocked the doors. He was hoping Apollo and Hinon had some shape changing abilities that could allow Aleric and the two of them to populate the full size rear seats comfortably. Erinara frowned, watching Zandra; she hadn't been that warm to him so far this evening. Cursing the right hand drive of the English, Erin plopped down in the right hand side drivers seat and waited for people and demons alike to pile in.

Zandra sighed, she sat in the front seat next to Erinara, looking out the window leaning on it. She felt anger and hate building, she had to find out who took the Phylactery. "Erinara..." She said softly looking at him. Hinon hopped in the back, just behind the seat, there was enough room for him. "Hell this is much better than the frist time we road with Erinara!"

"First time I was saving our lives, Hinon," Erinara cooly reminded, starting up the purring V12. "Oi! Apollo, Aleric, ready?" It took him a moment to realize Zandra had spoken his name. With a calming breath, Erinara softened his tense face and looked over to Zandra, "Yeah, Baby?"

Zandra took a deep breath. "I might I have to live in North America..." Knowing that Erinara lived in Ireland, she was debating if she was going to tell him. If she passed her exam she'd be sent to a portal in either the USA or Canada. Another thing is she wouldbe closer to her famliy. Hinon barked happily. "I know an dI'll never forget that meal either!!!" He said happily then stopped relizing what Zandra had said. Before the two lived here in England, but what was going to happen and could they even get the Phylactery. Zandra bit her lower lip looking out to the others.

Erinara's mind instantly whirled through all the possible solutions to bring them together. Finding none, his let out a sinking sigh, "...Why?" he asked simply. 

Zandra looked at him, and sighed. "my Guradianship...I have my exam, and if I pass I'll be placed to wacth a portal..." Zandra took his hand, she wasn't sure if there was something they could do. If he might be able to come with or something. Hinon satyed very quite laying down to hide himself.

Holt was already sitting in Vweiss's passenegr seat. "Shotgun." He smiled at his own childesh joke. "So wheres our first stop?" He asked completly oblivious to the drama around him.

Lucian nodded in agreement "aye I want this hunt to begin I havent gotten to fight a demon in to long" he said a some what evil grin on his face Weylin growled low "I agree with the boy we need to find these demons or who ever it was that has taken the phylactery"

"Yes hold on one minute." Aleric said as he pulled a book out of his coat pocket. Although it grew to its normal size as he took it out of his coat it was hardly noticeable. He got into the car and held out a poem book written by Shakespeare; it was very old but the pages seemed to be good enough to read. "You wanted to read this?" He said it to Apollo but he's not exactly sure who it was, he only thought it was Apollo that asked.

Zandra looked behind the seat at Aleric. Oh saved by the bell She though not wanting to go onto deep converstion about the whole traveling thing. "Soooo, um how are you?" She just blurted out. "Hehe sorry, I'm Zandra and the massive dog behind you is Hinon..."

"Thank you. I couldn't even find this book with one of the older Guardians. Well, I suppose it could be because most of the Guardians I meet are either pig-headed or are simply uninterested." He followed the newcomer to the car, taking a seat beside the car door that he had gotten into until he pulled the book out. Taking the book gently in his teeth, Apollo jumped up onto the top of the car, lounging out on the roof, as he used his paws and muzzle to open the book. "Case in point, Zandra." He said just loud enough so that Aleric could hear him, though he was sure that the nosy Wyvern would have heard him regardless. "I'll be careful with it. Promise." As he said such, his body began to shift behind the mirage of his spell, into that of a six-foot-four, dark-haired Egyptian-mix male.

Erinara looked over at Zandra with annoyance. She wanted to bring up another heavy topic and then suddenly drop it because she was uncomfortable? That was rich. He punched a button on the center console and opened a comlink to Vweiss' vehicle, the 5x7 mini plasma screen showing a dash back perspective of everyone in the other car. "We're ready to get underway, Vweiss...try and keep up," he said. "Seatbelts everyone," he announced loudly, dropping the transmission in gear and pulled away.

Zandra locked her seatblet in place, but keeping her eyes locked on her lap. She didn't really want to talk about it with other ears listing no matter how much she cared about Erinara, it was something she wanted to talk to him about, no one eles. Zandra was playing with the hem of her shrit, she shouldn't have told him, the doubts and worries started to fill her mind, next time she was riding with Vweiss.

Coming to his senses, in the litteral sense of the term, Erinara felt a rush of Zandra's emotions as he reached out with his empathic abilities. "...Don't fret, we can talk about it later, when we're alone," he said, coming to a stoplight. 

"What're the directions to this shoppe again?" Vweiss' voice said over the stereo system, his gaze looking at Zandra via the plasma screen.

Zandra looked at Erinara with a geartful look, she wasn't the best at timing things, and knew she spoke about her leaving to earlier, but she was sooo greatful for his understanding nature. Zandra looking at him smiling shighlty. Truning back to the screan. "It's on 5ave SW...Behind that really old expinves restraunt...I forgot what it was called...but they make a wonderful duckbrest!..." Zandra shook her head to stay on topic. "Ummm it's not to far from here..." Zandra looked up at the roof as to why the Hell hound was up there. She was a bit worried about him, if he fell off or something.

Aleric fastened his seatbelt and pulled out an old book with one word written in gold on the front cover, "Phylactery". Wanting to be more involved he figured he'd try to find something about the phylactery so he found this on his way to the meeting. He quietly sat in the backseat and read his book turning the pages every couple minutes.

Erinara and his Wyvern comrade drove their way down the streets quickly and smoothly, making sure that Apollonaire didn't roll off the top. Guided by a mental map of the city, Erin turned onto the street with the restaurant in question. "Alright, Zandra...which one are we looking for?"

Lucians grip on his sword tightened and Weylin growled "nnn I smell the taint of demon kin there some where very near" said the wolf Lucian looked like he was clenching his jaw not out of anger or frustration but instead it was from excitment if they found this demon then there would be a fight

Zandra looked at Erinara and sighed. "It will show its own way and you'll find it...really, if you think about the shop it will just pop up." She said looking out the window looking for what would be a herb shop.

Aleric closed his book and asked, "Well what does it look like? If it won't pop up unless we think about it then we need to know what it looks like so we can think about it... right?"

"Actua;;y i could go for a pizza shop..." Holt lamented before realizing that this particular shop was little more important. "Stupid mind trick shop thing."

Lucian finally chimed up "mind tricks really only work if you let your mind sucome to them" the berserker had his eyes focused off in the distant like he was concentrating on somthing

Zandra looked out the window. "Turn left should only to too blocks away..." She said quitly.

You Slay Me

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2008-09-27 [Draymond]: Missoula is close to death, btw. 

2008-09-27 [Piplup]: lol be nice! um they just Zandra and Missoula have met two of the wyvren and they are talking about the missing item at hand

2008-09-27 [Erubeus]: Kay.
You let me know when I should jump in.

2008-09-27 [Draymond]: *rolls eyes* Could you tweak her so I don't have to beat submission into her?

2008-09-27 [Piplup]: umm soon, I'm going to bring in a lil trouble...*couch*werid demon*couch* and it'd be a fun way for you character to come in

lol she wont be around much longer...

2008-09-27 [Erubeus]: My character won't come in, but Apollo will.
He could be helping Zandra on Kyle's order, if that's fine.

2008-09-27 [Piplup]: Of coruse, I guess he could be chasing a demon right into the dragon's home, where the rolepaly is taking place

2008-09-27 [Erubeus]: Kay, sure. I'll post after two more people post..

2008-09-27 [Piplup]: alright, hehe...*evil evil idea's*

2008-09-27 [Draymond]: Blah, I should be going to a study group. I'll be back later tonight, but not too late. ^^

2008-09-27 [Piplup]: ...suuure lol have fun studing...

2008-09-27 [Draymond]: I know. >< School...blows. N'ways, don't forget to wait up for/let Shadow_walker post. ^^ 

2008-09-27 [Piplup]: yep! ttyl

2008-09-28 [Draymond]: Hah, pinched his arm. It would feel like a light tug on the hide. LoL 

2008-09-28 [Piplup]: lol thats what I thought, but still just to get his attion! lol she knoooows XD

2008-09-28 [Draymond]: Well there are a lot of canines! So much fur! LoL

2008-09-28 [Piplup]: but fur is sooooooooooo nice and softttt....*wants fo-fur coat now*

2008-09-28 [Draymond]: ...Dogs smell...don't lie. LoL

2008-09-28 [Piplup]: I know, I own two but they are clean! I tell u! CLEAN LOL

2008-09-28 [Erubeus]: I think they smell good. :D

2008-09-28 [Draymond]: Yeah, okay...until they roll in something or get wet. 

I've only met a just a select few that didn't leave an odor on your hands. 

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